Rabu, 05 September 2012

Superhero Indonesia

Gatotkaca, memenuhi keinginan segenap penggemar superhero Indonesia, akan adanya sosok pahlawan super Indonesia. Terinspirasi dari disain pewayangan tokoh Gatotkaca, Sosok superhero Gatotkaca lahir dari tangan Nawa Rie Eda - Jtoku Indonesia. Walau demikian kisah dalam Gatotkaca (Mitos yang hidup) adalah kisah fiksi modern sehingga tidak akan meruntuhkan kisah tradisional pewayangan aslinya. Raksasa Cakil pun yang merupakan karakter asli Indonesia, yang khas dengan rahang bawah menonjol, di disain menjadi sosok monster yang akan mewakili tokoh kejahatan dan keserakahan. Film ini diharapkan mampu kembali menyegarkan ingatan generasi muda tentang wayang dan budaya Indonesia.Dengan cara yang lebih inovatif dan kreatif.

Gatotkaca, fulfilling Indonesia's Superhero fans, for their need of Indonesian Superhero. Inspired by the design of Wayang characters Gatotkaca, a superhero called Gatotkaca is born by the work of Nawa Rie Eda - Jtoku Indonesia. Nevertheless the story in Ghatotkacha (Myth of the living) is modern fiction that will not undermine the traditional story of the original Wayang story. Cakil, original Wayang character from Indonesia, was designed to be a monster figure that would represent the character of evil and greed. The film is expected to remind young people about culture and Wayang in Indonesia, with innovative and creative way.
 Film Pocongman versi full. Film ini kemaren ikutan FelloFest. Nggak menang karena nggak ada ceritanya. Silahkan beri komentar dan Enjoy !!!
 This is a promo edition of JTokuFilm's project in 2009, cooperate with Wishnu Hendra R., the one who creates Bornman's comic. This film tells story about forests in East Borneo, Paser. This superhero indie movie is dedicated to all the children of Indonesia who are mostly not concerned with the nature. Global and technological advances make people forget the importance of one tree for life. Therefore, this film is expected to be able to remind the public that people ultimately will not win against nature and the energy stored in it.

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